Peganum Harmala


Peganum crushed seeds: Add a tsp to your entheogen tonic or ceremony to potentiate effects and make them last longer. Peganum can be taken with any entheogen to active the psycho active effects. Do not take with synthetic chemicals such as MDMA, this can be very harmful. Only use Peganum with natural entheogens.

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The seeds of Peganum harmala contain several alkaloids, mainly the harmala alkaloids harmine and harmaline. Other beta-carbolines are harmalol, harmane, harmidine, dihydro harmaline, isoharmine, tetrahydroharmine, tetrahydroharmaline, tetrahydroharmol, and norharmine.
Harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine also occur in the ayahuasca vine Banisteriopsis caapi. The concentration is slightly higher in Syrian rue: approximately 2-7% of the dry weight of mature seeds.

The harmala alkaloids are psychoactive and function as short-acting reversible inhibitors of MAO-A. This means they suppress the excretion of the endogenous enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO). This enzyme normally metabolizes certain endogenous neurotransmitters like serotonin, as well as foreign toxins (like tyramines in food) and tryptamines. When the enzyme is blocked, substances like N, N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT become orally effective. The effect of others substances like mescaline, LSD and psilocybin is potentiated.


This is a pure extract. Mix 1-3 droppers full in tea along with other entheogens to potentiate and activate.  Can be taken alone for sedative effects and mood enhancement.